A new launch in the market, the Mahindra Jeeto has been priced at Rs. 2.35 lakh onwards in the market. It is a small commercial vehicle that promises to meet all your business needs with the most efficiency. The Mahindra Jeeto offers a 2 engine power with 3 deck lengths and 2 payload options. The truck offers the option of 5 colour range and they are – Diamond White, Sunrise Red, Mango Yellow, Ultramarine Blue and Premium Beige. The customers can choose their desired colour by matching their personality and business pattern.
The truck was developed by Chennai Manufacturers and has sold out a lot of models since it was released. It was launched in the year 2015 and the main motive was to give a tough competition to the Tata Ace, especially the Tata Ace Zip. This truck weights of about 800 kg for it to be a commercial vehicle.
The Mahindra Jeeto review is quite good in the market and is known to have three ranges and they are – S series, L series and X series. Each of them has a different load body length, payload rating and engine specifications.
The different body lengths for each of the range is- 1630mm, 1740 mm and 1930 mm. However, the width and the height for all the variants remain the same and that is 1400 mm and 290 mm. The payload of these vehicles vary from about 600 kg to 700 kg and the customer can choose their model based on their business respectively.
The Mahindra Jeeto by Mahindra Trucks in India offers a single-cylinder with 625 cc diesel engine unit. The engine with lower specced has a maximum power output of 11 bhp arriving at 3000 rpm and a peak torque rating of 38 Nm in the range of 1100-2000 rpm. The powerful one offers 16bho @3600 rpm and 38 Nm @1200-2000 rpm. However, both the engines are combined to a single dry plate clutch and provide a 4-speed manual transmission.
This vehicle is a small commercial vehicle and is the best option in its price range. It has helped to amp up many people’s business.
The designer headlamps and the attractive front grill helps to bring out the first impression of the vehicle in any of its customers eyes. The engine type of this vehicle is M Dura with a water cool technology. It also meets with the BS IV rules.
By August 2018, the truck had earned so much name for itself that its company, M&M declared it to cross 1 lakh production milestone.
The cabin of this vehicle is quite comfortable and spacious with good headroom and legroom. This, in turn, makes the driver comfortability quite much. The seats are also very comfortable to sit on and do not cause much back pains and other problems for long journeys. The gear knob is also very car-like and ranks well.
The steering of this vehicle is manual type unit with a rack and pinion system. For the front, it has been provided with McPherson Strut Type suspension while the rear has Semi Trailing Arm Unit. The suspension has been perfectly tuned to make the drive extremely smooth and comfortable.