The world has become a global village, information is at your fingertips and connection with people from different parts of the world is made easy. You can communicate with friends and family through text messages, emails, video calls, and audio calls despite the distance. First, you need to get a smartphone, with a high-quality camera, adequate storage space and every other thing you need in a phone. The next very big decision is which mobile network to go with. You’d not want a mobile network with terribly high tariffs or one without good coverage. It may be that you want to change yoursmarty simbecause you are not satisfied with their services. Although there is an increase in mobile network providers, some areas do not have network coverage while others have poor coverage. If you are still unsure about what mobile network to choose, then make sure you read this to the end. We will carefully examine the major network providers and highlight their benefits and disadvantages to help you in making an informed decision. Also, check smarty mobile reviews for tips and hoe to choose your smarty network.
Vodafone is one of the big four prominent brands in the UK. Its 4G network covers 97% of the UK’s population and quite fast. Customers are allocated 6 months free for browsing on service Spotify. It includes roaming in 110 locations. With a Vodafone pass, you get an extra charge monthly allowing you to stream videos without actually using your purchased data. However, the brand has suffered from poor customer care service over the years, it still provides reliable network coverage. Vodafone comes third among the big four with about 17.5 million customers.
It is voted as the fastest network, provider of excellent coverage and most popular network in 2019.EE is one of the four big networks in the UK. In 2016, it was bought by BT and is a combination of Orange and the old T-Mobile giving it wide coverage. EE announced an amazing unlimited 4G that lets you share up to 120GB with any other EE line connected to your account. EE has an average of about 32 million customers making it the biggest network in the UK.
It is owned by a Spanish company, Telefonica in 2005 although the network has been available in the UK from 2002. 02 won the 2019’s uSwitch best network coverage award. 02 prices are quite high but the excellent coverage it provides makes it worth your while. 02 is estimated to have about 24 million customers in the UK, making it the second-largest network after EE.
Three is the last of the big four networks in the UK with about 9.9 million customers. Three got the award for the best network for roaming in the 2019 uSwitch awards. Its go roam featuresadds up to 20 more countries from all over the world excluding the European locations which are all free. With the ‘go binge features’, you can also stream shows from Netflix, Apple music,sound Cloud, just to mention but a few for free. Three also provides an ‘all you can eat’ data bundle which offers unlimited data and unlimited access to the internet.